[Comic] The Fox Who Became a Girl

A story so good, it made me go outside!

[Comic] The Fox Who Became a Girl
HFE's fanart for The Fox Who Became a Girl, featuring Fox in her cute grandma outfit.
A story so good, it made me go outside!


"Within this storybook, you will find a fable of love and of longing. A fable for anyone who has ever wished to be changed..."

  • people involved.
    • writer: Chloe Bear.
    • illustrator, letterer, book designer: Orion Fern (Ovaettr, friend of HFE).
  • genres.
    • fairytale,
    • folklore,
    • LGBTQ romance, and
    • coming out trans.
  • what I love about it.
    • the panel of sleeping chickens!!! i want them on a sticker.
    • Fox's grandma outfit from page 16. I don't know what those hooded, frayed granny capes are called, but every character should have one now.
    • The how-to-make-comics section in the back of the book. I went to a comics making camp as a kid, and those pages reminded me of that. Seeing the craft Chloe and Orion put into The Fox makes me want to give comics-making another shot.
    • The typography~. I love a good word design. And most of the comic looks Hand. Lettered. omg! That takes patience AND skill. And I didn't struggle to read any of it??? Ovaettr is a man of many talents.
    • The star 'fro NPC.
    • "Shattering every note!!!"
    • Fox's facial expressions in the top panel of page 4 (watching the girls).
    • "Everyone!!! Look at the cute little fox!"
    • Fox dancing.
    • Fox and Love Interest looking at each other on page 7.
    • Love Interest's expression in the third panel of page 8.
    • "Yip!"
    • So many panels in The Fox are super fun to look at. And again, I went OUTSIDE to look at them!
    • Fox waving (along with what she says) on page 9.
    • Fox's pink bandana.
    • Yellow Fox talking to the other foxes on page 23.
  • click here for a link to buy.