My hope is starlight shining bright that never fails throughout the night!

Suns and stars and moons, unite!
My friends need your help tonight!!
Eclipse Cannon!!!

Chu started out life as my pika-partner in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team for the Gameboy Advance SP. He tried faking a stomach ache to get out of a scary mission, but he's a mouse. Mice aren't super inclined towards bravery. He's an impish hero from a world without people. My friend Orion has claimed him for the he/him lesbians.

His ultimate philosophy is "light doubles when you share it". Sort of like "don't hoard the wealth", except more concerned with others' welfare than with finances. When he found a weirdo in the woods, he didn't just offer them A home, he offered them HIS home.
Chu on
Check out Chu from HFEproductions@TH!

digital art. splash page of an orange, pink, and yellow mouse named Chu. In each pose, Chu wears his lightspeed scarf, which is yellow with a pink thunderbolt and pink, star-like patterning at the edges. Chu also wears his rescue ring badge: a red, upside-down heart with yellow and pink wings. he has a pink, four-pointed star at the end of his tail. his ears alternate between pink and yellow, with starburst-like fur inside them. his eyes are pink with yellow eye shines. his nose is yellow.
topmost pose shows Chu from behind. HFE is proud that fae remembered to layer Chu's rescue ring badge forward in front of his ears (away from the viewer).
the middle pose, the largest image of Chu, is outlined with the pen tool as opposed to the path tool. Chu is jumping, waving at the viewer, and winking.
bottom left pose shows Chu with his arms crossed and a smug smile with closed eyes.
bottom right pose shows Chu from the side, looking up at something off-page.
3 expressions in the top right corner of the image: skeptical, excited, and overjoyed.
image also has two quotes.
"Light doubles when you share it". the word "doubles" is in all caps for emphasis.
"My hope is starlight shining bright that never fails throughout the night!" one of HFE's spellcasting chants for the childhood spell Starlight Laser.
Chu's name and pronouns (he/him) are in the top middle of the image.
Bullet points denote Chu's notable features: 2 short whiskers, tail ends with a 4 pointed star, fur in ears looks like starbursts.
additional elements include: a pseudo pride flag of the color scheme, a pyramid, a toy block with Chu's name (done with a pen tool instead of the path tool), flying mail with curved action lines, a tic-tac-toe game with 3 hearts in a row and stars in two corners, the color scheme as a train of hearts, a shining smiling sun, sparkles, and a fidget spinner.