Learn About Me & My Site

learn about me and my newest place on the internet!


Launched in August 2024, this is the latest incarnation of my one-stop-shop for all things HFE.

Writing, Art, interviews, whatever!

Queer identity is self-ID. That, binary babes, means that you can still call yourself gay if gay is a word that works for you. Language is descriptive, not prescriptive.

- from my hit essay Gender and Attraction is a Shitshow.

I was discontent with the state of wordpress (especially the uselessness of the paid plans). I'm looking forward to a much better user experience here.


he/him; fae/faer.

27 and still alive! I'm from the "live like us or die" state of New Hampshire. I've been writing and doing art since basically forever.

HFE comes from my AO3 account Hiver_Frost_Elf. I'm proud of myself for putting myself and my work out there all those years ago, even though it's clear I had a lot of unlearning to do. Still do, of course. But we wouldn't have today's me without years-ago-me.

HFE has stood for other things over the years, but I'm not about that lifestyle anymore. I'd rather be called Hale, HFE, or Hiver please.


links to my bsky, toyhouse, ko-fi, patreon, and redbubble.